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  • God Does Not Waste Our Pain
  • A Time for Everything

    A Time for Everything

    With her warm, firey, and compassionate demeanor, Mia dives into the universal challenges we face, reminding viewers that it's okay to not be okay, yet encourages them to do something about it. She shares powerful stories and biblical wisdom, shedding light on the truth that there is a time for every emotion, including sadness, grief, joy, and hope.

  • "God, What If..." | Mia Pile | Oakwood University Chapel Service

    "God, What If..." | Mia Pile | Oakwood University Chapel Service

    Do you have hard questions for God? Are you battling guilt? Are you struggling with your faith? If you've ever questioned God's presence or battled unresolved trauma, this message is for you. Mia provides practical strategies and tools, including the 54321 method, gratitude, forgiveness, and setting boundaries, to help you navigate life's pressures.

  • Mia's Story: Overcoming Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

    Mia's Story: Overcoming Depression and Suicidal Thoughts

    Mia Pile candidly shares a brief summary of she went from a full-time missionary to losing her hold on God and back again. Mia's story offers hope and encouragement that recovery is possible.

  • Safe with God: Jhuamia Pile | First SDA Church

    Safe with God: Jhuamia Pile | First SDA Church

    Join Mia on a powerful journey from despair to hope. Her story is a testament to the profound impact of faith and healing. Discover how Mia found solace and strength through the power of God after a nervous breakdown, leading her to forgive and reclaim her peace. Today, she shares her experiences to inspire others, proving that with God's grace, we can emerge from our darkest moments.