My Story, Part 3 of 4: The Incredible Training Discovery I Stumbled Upon

Someone in your life is hurting and needs assistance. I want you to feel very confident that you can help. 

One day while recounting my mental health journey with the dear man seeking to end his life at a private facility I was presenting at (the one I mentioned in my previous blog post), a friend told me of a program that helped the everyday person and professional learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental illness, how to respond appropriately and point them to resources that could help long-term.  I knew this was the program I needed to share with my facility. 

I immediately signed up for the program and became certified in Mental Health First Aid. Just like CPR can save someone from a physical health crisis, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) can save a person from a mental health crisis. Once a person is better equipped with knowledge, skills, and the right mindset concerning mental illness, they are a powerful force for good and can truly help to improve someone’s quality of life! That type of person can save a life!  

I went to work using my skills immediately. Then the day came when my training was put to the test by one of my own family members—and it worked! My family member was able to get to safety, sign up for the help they needed, and is living a productive life as of this email! 

The use of my training didn’t stop there. I would get calls from friends who knew young people struggling with binge eating, cutting themselves, or hearing voices. Using the MHFA training, I was able to be of assistance either in-person or at a distance!  

From there, I became a passionate MHFA Instructor with the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. As an instructor, I’ve certified over 200 everyday people and professionals to recognize and respond appropriately in order to preserve and enhance the lives of those they served and love—especially in crisis.   Testimonies would come back of how the people I trained used the skills they had learned sooner than they expected! More lives were saved! I saw that my students were having the same success I had, and greater! My heart really swells with joy and a little teacher pride when I hear the success my students are having! 

Here's the story behind what I had to do to continue pursuing my mission to equip concerned people with the tools and resources needed to help change and save lives... 

My husband and I ended our jobs at the lifestyle center—which was scary and uncomfortable—but we knew if I were going to go full-time with this purpose, I would need to devote more time. The next few years would confirm we made the right decision. We connected with schools systems, churches, and advocacy groups and even went virtual (and international) during the pandemic! I shared my story and keys from my mental health training and experience to thousands through workshops, podcasts, and speakingI’ve also shared key principles from MHFA to thousands through workshops, podcasts, and speaking engagements!  I felt a deep responsibility amid all the chaos, loss, and uncertainty that more than ever people needed the training I could provide! So we went to work to get our organization, Pain Unwasted, up and running. 

We named our organization Pain Unwasted because we felt that it was the perfect acknowledgement of trials and trauma not only for ourselves, but others who had experienced loss, abuse, betrayal and more, but were choosing to recover…choosing to accept a commission to use their heart-wrenching pain as a catapult into a future that served them and others at the highest level…choosing to make use of that pain of use and not waste it. 

People that work with me are looking for meaning and a way to repurpose their pain—and with our lived experiences, spiritual foundation, and our professional expertise, we help them do just that!  It’s about an acknowledgement that our pain is real, but also a commitment to recovery and service through it all. We are not wearing a mark of victimhood, but triumph over real experiences—its a call for us to call others to the same. 

Wow! Isn’t that great?

Chaplains, physicians, teachers, therapists and others have taken the program with me to add to their tool belts and build a stronger knowledge base for the people they serve! And so can YOU!

Do you have a group of 10 or more people that need to take Mental Health First Aid? Contact us today to get your team certified!



My Story, Part 4 of 4: Recovery is Possible for Anyone!


My Story, Part 2 of 4: My Crayon Prayer: “Get Me Outta Here God, or Else…”